Hello! I am Noël, owner and founder of Cardona Farms.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, my childhood backdrop was an urban jungle. The only gardens I knew were those of family members or friends who had a green thumb, and the only farms I encountered were on road trips up the coast. As like most children in LA, I had lofty goals to become an actor, producer, or director in movies and TV. My eco-consciousness was only partially developed, but steadily growing.
Throughout my childhood, our family would take yearly vacations to different parts of the world – Europe, Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico. These travels opened my eyes to the infinite horizon of possibilities and cultures. I grew a fascination with exploring places outside of my comfort zone, and during this time I also developed my intense and sincere interest in environmental responsibility. My “green-ness” matured throughout High School, and by college I had goals far different from working in the Hollywood studios.

My choice to attend Boston College was one I will always revere – because it laid the groundwork for my career and eventual ambition to start a farm. I studied Environmental Geosciences which is a fancy word for Geology, and from those courses I developed a love for the outdoors - Camping, hiking, and absorbing nature’s beauty were a part of the curriculum.

After my 4 years in Boston, I moved back home to LA where I spent a year thinking about my next steps. My love of food and culinary art seemed to give me a push in the pursuit of a Culinary degree, but my Boston College diploma reminded me to utilize what I had studied for 4 years. A classic “head versus heart” battle was playing out, and one day as I was working at a restaurant behind the bar, a bottle of wine seemed to look right at me and shout “Its me!” I thought, “Hmm, wine seems like the perfect intersection of geology, outdoors, plants, and food. Maybe I should try that…”

A few months later I was living and working on a vineyard in Mendocino County, which propelled my 12 years in the wine industry. As a winemaker, I saw first-hand the beauty of growing vines to produce wine, and all of the agricultural practices that go into 1 bottle. With the deep appreciation for California agriculture also came a slight sense of despair, as we struggle year after year with ongoing drought. Winery and vineyard operations use massive amounts of water, and my “green-ness” started to catch up with me. I realized that I wanted to be a part of the solution, not the problem.

This is where the idea to start Cardona Farms sprouted – from an appreciation for agriculture’s critical role in our food supply, and the desire to be a part of the progression toward responsible water usage. 18 months later, the first Cardona Farms container arrived!

I wouldn’t be here today without my family, and most especially my grandfather Louie Cardona. He immigrated to the U.S. from Colombia when he was just 15 years old. He attended Burbank High School where he met my grandmother, JoAnn, and shortly after they married and had 3 children. While he worked hard to learn English and took jobs around Burbank to support his family, he was developing his own plans for a future that would eventually support generations of our family.

In 1972, he opened his own business named Cardona Manufacturing, which fabricates metal precision parts for items ranging from movie cameras to spaceship and aircraft. The business still operates today and employs much of our family. It is this fearlessness, courage, stamina, and strength that inspired me to take the leap in starting my own business. And it is with humility and respect that I named it after him, as a tribute to all he has done for all of us. I hope that one day Cardona Farms becomes a family business just like Cardona Manufacturing!

Every plant starts with a seed, and every business starts with a person.